Monday, December 29, 2008

I think we found a place to live!!!!!!

We searched for houses in Portland again today, and found three great prospects. I didn't realize that there were such great places out there. We looked in NW and SE Portland, but I think we decided on a place in SE near East Burnside, Stark, and Belmont. If you're not familiar with that part of Portland it's basically a great little area with funky coffee shops, great restaurants, and lots of character. Our place is a mile or less away from stores, movie theaters, bookstores, cafes, restaurants...all the places you need.

Oh my gosh!!!! I am so excited to show you guys pictures. We are just about to send the application in. My computer is tweaking out, so I am going to post this, but I will post more later.

Here's a picture of Danny's and I with Marcus and Angie at Vivace.

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