Friday, January 23, 2009

A couple questions

I wrote an e-mail to some people, and then I thought, "Hey, why not put them on the blog too." So here's my e-mail:

I was reading these questions this morning, and I thought they were good things to ask ourselves, so I thought I would share them with ya'll.

"What do you appreciate most about yourself?" STOP, and really think about that one.

"What are you doing best right now in your life? What needs your attention? What deserves more energy and focus?"

I was also reading a something separate, it was about organization techniques, but I think it can apply to many areas of our lives. This is not a direct quote, but the gist. "You have at least one system, task, thing etc. that works well. Figure out why and build on that."

That's all for today. Hope you guys enjoy your day.

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