I didn't mention it yet, but it's Danny and my 2 year anniversary today! One of the things I wanted to complete before this day came was our (very) little garden area. I planted some lettuce earlier in the year in the really bad soil left here before us, so I decided to invest in some good soil from Concentrates. (A really great place by the way. I will attach my Concentrates review to the bottom of this entry.)
I told you the plants I planted in the earlier entry from Pistil's Nursery. They are still little babes in the ground, but I am still a proud momma. Our tomato plant is growing strong. We had BLAT (Bacon, Lettuce, Acocado, and Tomato)sandwiches two nights ago, and they were the most scrumptious BLAT sandwhiches I've had. We used our first tomato from the garden. It was a proud moment. I don't like raw tomatoes, but it was good enough to eat raw. The best tomato I've eaten.
Only one tomato was ripe enough to eat. I am waiting in anticipation for the others to ripen. I got a hanging basket as a present for leading step study, and I love it. It adds a lot of life to our deck. The sun's coming out :)
Concentrates Review:
Oh my word. Urban gardeners, and heck, every gardener I am yelling out to you. THIS PLACE HAS WONDERFUL DEALS! They sell in bulk, and also in smaller sizes.
For instance I got:
-A box of 4lb Black Gold organic fertilizer and
-2 cu ft (56.6 L) Black Gold waterhold cocoblend potting soil (OG)
That's what I mean by small
They've specialized in organic agriculture since 1938. Here's the website list of some of the stuff they carry: soil amendments, meals, fertilizer, compost, livestock feeds, supplements, chicken supplies, pet foods, and a wide variety of salts.
They aren't the type of place you buy a trowel.
They are very helpful. I will warn you, it's intimidating when you first go because it's a warehouse, but there's a little side off to the right. You don't have to know much. Just go, talk to the person behind the counter and they will help you out. If you don't know specifically what you want, they are more than happy to help you. They had great recommendations for me.
You tell the woman/man your order, he/she writes it on a paper, than you take it to the (usually) dude who's loading stuff and he will load it in your car for you. The minus one star is for this whole transaction. It wasn't explained well and there was some wait time, but I just stood outside my car with my book and read while I waited. It wasn't that long, but this process could be optimized.
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