Thursday, September 3, 2009

I am doing it!

I am doing two good things:

1) Keeping to my commitment to write more often, but keeping it short.

2) Applying for jobs.

Heck yes! I had my first job interview yesterday for Andina. It's a Peruvian restaurant in the Pearl. There were gobbs of people attempting to get the same position.

We all showed up at 1pm to put our name on the list. The list was quite long, but you had a general range(within a half hour- hour) of when your name would be called to interview. So, there were about 30 people waiting in the same seating area, and needless to say you could cut the tension with a knife.

I found it to be quite humorous. A good study in human behavior.

I enjoyed Jels, the gentleman who interviewed me. I enjoy everything about the place and would love to work there. I really am happy to have had the experience to interview there no matter which way the ball rolls.

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