Thursday, June 11, 2009

Been Busy

Hello. I have had a little anxiety about not writing for a while but I have been busy. I will write some more about our trip.

Day 2: We woke up to the beautiful sunrise and explored around the rim. We weren't wearing snowshoes, and I was running up a snowy hill between a tree and a boulder, and my hole leg fell through. I grabbed onto the boulder, so I didn't fall all the way through the hole. My knee smashed against the rock, and Danny came and helped me out. I was so freaked out. I started crying, partially from the pain of hitting my knee, but I was scared of falling through a big snow hole.

I didn't really feel like exploring after that because my knee was hurting and I was a little shaken up, so we snowshoed back to our car, and headed down hwy 101 toward the Redwoods. We stopped at The Oregon Vortex. "The Oregon Vortex is a spherical field of force, half above the ground and half below the ground. The word "vortex" simply means a whirpool of force... It is an area of naturally occurring visual and perceptual phenomena, which can be captured on film." I am not going to go into detail about it, but it's worth visiting if you near the area. The quote and more information can be had at their website:

After that we drove to the Redwoods and camped at Del Norte Campground. We grilled steak and corn on the BBQ there. It was delicious. When you're out camping food tastes immensely better than normal, but this still was an amazing steak...To be continued again. It's my brother's birthday, so I am going to go spend some time with him.

:) Danny looks so little next to that Redwood.

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