Part of me wanted to erase my last entry, but this is me, and I am not all good, and not always in a good mood, so I am letting it stay.
Something great that did happen was my graduation! I LOVED IT! I had so so so much fun. I sat by a big Samoan guy and one of my really fun art friends, and all the people around us were fun too. We kind of brought other people into our silliness.
I brought a pink umbrella in case it rained, which it did (lightly), and it ended up being so helpful. My parents, Danny, and my friend Renee came and they spotted me right away. I loved having them there. They were so fun to have in the stands because I could tell they were so excited too. So we just threw up our arms together and made dancing movements back and worth, it was really entertaining.
The energy in the place was more than I expected. It was a great crowd of people. That's why I love going to sporting events, because it's a group of people being brought together for one common purpose. The majority of the time people seem to set aside their differences and become a community.
One of my favorite parts was the ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps) standing up and getting sworn in. ROTC produces officers in all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces except the U.S. Coast Guard. Everyone gave them a standing ovation. Those men and women are amazing. I am so glad they got a little chunk of appreciation about their future service to our country.
The speakers were pretty concise, and some were even a little funny. all around, I just loved it. I received my diploma, shook every persons hand that was willing to shake my hand, and did a little dance because I was so excited about it. It was such a great day. I am so thankful for the people I sat next to, and the folks who supported me, that's what really made it.
We went to my grandma's for a party afterward. I made/bought some yummy food, we talked, played games, and hung out. We had a lot of fun. Kira, Ben, My aunt and uncle, and my grandma were there, along with the others who came to the ceremony. My brother stayed up until 5am the night before, finishing up a paper, so he didn't come to the ceremony.
We sat outside and ate. It is so peaceful there. It's just a bunch of big open space, and fields with our own special little enclosed yard with flowers and a garden. There are certain places where time slows down, and that is definitely one of them. It's one of those places where I can go and take in the beauty around me.
We went inside and it started raining shortly after. We left the door open and played board games while it rained outside. It was so great. It was one of those tropical rains, where it's still really warm outside. I was just a contented cow all day. The one silly thing is that I never got a picture taken of me that day. Everyone assumed Danny would have his camera, which he did, but he forgot it in the car, and then we got to my grandma's we just sort of forgot about that part of things.
So, I am going to dress up in the cap and gown and get pictures with people this week, and pretend like I did it on the official day. I got a digital camera for my graduation present from my parents, so now I can be sure to take my camera with me. I took a couple pictures of Danny and I today with it. That's the picture you see. Goodnight.
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