Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I am missing all of you!

Hi guys! Oh my word I miss you all so much right now. I have been sick in bed yesterday and today. There has been no internet connection in our building for the last week or so. I tried getting connection elsewhere and that didn't work either. I am writing this in a Word document and saving it for a time when I can find an internet connection. It feels like it's been so long since I have talked to people.

Let me catch you up. Saturday it was Intel's Family Day. We didn't realize that was code for 'Kids Day.' We had fun regardless. We played a whole bunch of kids games. There was a karaoke style band that brought people up to sing Spanish songs from the 80's. Sabastian, one of Danny's co-workers told us that the woman organizing it needed to talk with us, so we went inside, and she dragged us up front for us to sing, “We Don't Need no Education,” by Pink Floyd. I'll just tell you right now, Danny and I weren't that good. Danny's bosses boss went up to him at the end and told him he could tell Pink Floyd wasn't his thing, but it was a valiant effort.

Sunday will take a little longer to explain. I will get back to you either later today or tomorrow about that one. Love to you all!


Diego said...

I didn´t realize that was code for "Kids Day" either! :D And I bet I wasn´t the only one.

Lizzie said...

Diego, I am nervous about you reading the things I write because I am wondering if I need to put my foot in my mouth about certain things. I know you're an understanding person, so I hope you don't get too mad :) Actually, let me know if I have offended you with anything or if there are corrections that need to be made because I would like to know. Thanks Diego!

Diego said...

Lizzie, don't feel nervous! It's ok to me for you to share your feelings, I bet that helped to deal with the tough situation back then.

And don't worry, I can assure it will be very difficult for you to offend me. :)