Monday, January 19, 2009

Long time, no write

Hey guys,
I apologize for not writing in so long. I don't know if anyone reads this anymore, but if not it can just be a little journal between me and me. So, we have moved into our new place, you know that already. We got most of our stuff set up this weekend, we just need a bookshelf, which I am going shopping for today. I am going to the Sellwood Antique Mall. Sellwood is apparently the best place for antiques in Portland, so I am pretty excited about that.

We went to Ikea to get some stuff, and it's wonderful for cheaper things, but not so wonderful for quality items, so we are going the antique store route. I love how unique each piece is. A lot of it is hit or miss. Some stores just smell like mold, and look like they really need to be scrubbed down, and others are just fresh, unique, and delightful.

I gave my testimony this Friday, which I believe went well. I was so nervous, and crying beforehand, but once I got up there it wasn't that hard. I think it's easier when you know that the people listening to you love you, even if you mess up. I took a picture of the view from our place. You can see Mt. Hood in it. I don't have a card reader on this particular computer, so I will put it on later.

I started leading a step study group with another woman from Celebrate Recovery last Monday night. We meet every Monday 7-9ish. I have to go finish my homework. I will be writing more often from now on. I just had to get through that time of being really busy.

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