Friday, January 30, 2009

Mr. Raccoon

So funny. Danny was going outside to start the BBQ and there was a raccoon just hanging out on our deck. He has to climb up some pretty steep stairs to get to our place, but lo and behold he was there. Our deck connects to the deck of the people below us, so after Danny went outside he just hung out cleaning himself on the deck below. It was so funny. I guess I have never seen a raccoon behave the way he did. He was just so mellow, and not the slightest bit scared of us. He saw we were there and just was like, 'whatever.'

I know they can be aggressive, but this guy seemed pretty calm. He was like a cross between a cat and a dog. I ran inside to get my camera, but my memory card was in my computer, and then I ran into to get that, and by the time I got it all set up he was gone. But take my word for it, he was a funny raccoon.

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