Sunday, April 19, 2009


Today was a beautiful day. Danny and I looked for a kitty at the Oregon Humane Society, but had no luck. We are hoping to find a kitten, I know, I am sure that's what most people want, but they mostly have adult cats. We didn't really jive that well with any of them anyway. There was one potential one, but she shed a little too much and needed to be brushed a couple times a week, and realistically that's not going to happen. If she was a great fit for us I would put up with the extra work, but I just don't think she was the right cat for us.

So, the search continues.

I planted my lettuce today. I probably should forget about it for a little while or else I'll probably check on it every other day, and wonder why it's not growing faster. I am going to plant some mint after I eat my dinner.

I better go eat or else my food will get cold. Wish me luck for the kitty search, and if you hear anything about kitties for sale let me know.

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