Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nuestro apartamento

I haven't told you guys about our apartment. We really like it. Isn't it cute? It's wonderful because we have a patio. That's where I am sitting right now. We have internet with a really bad connection, so it will work for a couple minutes every so often, then disconnect, so I am hoping this goes through. I have been a little bit scared to go out and find a place to use the internet because every time I go out people ask me all sort of questions and tell me things and I have NO IDEA what they're saying. This has happened a couple of times where I will say, “no entiendo,” ( I don't understand) and then they will get other people in the store involved and they all speak at me, and I will say, “no hablo espanol.” But they get more people involved and then I just end up feeling stupid in front of a ton of people instead of just one. I can see the humor in it while I am not involved, but it is really humiliating when I'm in the middle of it.

I start Spanish classes tomorrow, and I am really excited about it. It's for two hours a day, five days a week, for two weeks. It's one on one, which is what I need right now. I am going to continue to take the two week lessons for as long as I need it, and right now I really need a lot of teaching. They are for two weeks, but I would just take them at different levels every two weeks, hopefully that makes sense. It's not letting me put the pictures on right now. I will try again in a little bit.


Kgriz said...

Lizzie- this is really cool! It's nicer than I expected.

Kgriz said...

Lizzie- Are the flowers real? :-)

Carol said...

Lizzie! Very cute apartment! Very cozy! Sounds like you are having some great adventures. Have fun with the spanish classes! Missed you at CR tongiht! --Carol

Lizzie said...

Yes, the flowers are real. I think someone from Intel bought them for us. So sweet of them!

Lizzie said...

Great to hear from you! Yes, we are having some great adventures. I miss you too! Tell everyone at CR 'hi!' for me. I love you.